Whenever you level up, your energy fills up to your max energy. Unfortunately the energy won't pass the max energy. Of course you don't technically need it if you like spending money and you are only here for h-scenes, but if you like to read story or you are free to play (f2p) player you'll definitely need it.ġ energy refills every 4 minutes, which means that in 1h you get 15 energy points, of course that is without VIP bonuses which can add a boost to gain energy faster. If you need crytals for h-scenes, better gear or event ingredients, you need to play campaign stages (for ingredients event stages) and to be able to play them you need energy. 7.1 Maiden skills scale incredibly during the first levels.5.1 Skill points don't recharge as slowly as you think.3.2 What equipment is the best for new players?.